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main page Dodge Polara IV Sedan 7.2 AT Fuel consumption on the highway
Fuel consumption on the highway

Fuel consumption on the highway Dodge Polara IV 7.2 AT Sedan 1969

1969 - 1973Add to compare

Comparison with other models Dodge
Dodge Polara IV Sedan 7.2 AT 19.3 l.

Dodge Polara IV Sedan 7.2 AT 19.3 l.

Comparison with other brands of cars
Ford Torino III 5-door station wagon 7.5 AT 19.3 l.

Ford Country Squire V 5-door station wagon 5.8 MT 19.3 l.

Ford Country Squire III 5-door station wagon 5.1 AT 19.3 l.

Ford LTD Country Squire I 5-door station wagon 7.0 AT 19.3 l.

Dodge Polara IV Sedan 7.2 AT 19.3 l.

Dodge Polara IV Sedan 7.2 AT 19.3 l.

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