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main page Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) Sedan 2.3 MT Acceleration from 0-100 km / h
Acceleration from 0-100 km / h

Acceleration from 0-100 km / h Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) 2.3 MT Sedan 1951

1951 - 1957Add to compare

Comparison with other models Vauxhall
Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) Sedan 2.3 MT 21.4 sec.

Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) Sedan 2.3 MT 21.4 sec.

Comparison with other brands of cars
Volkswagen Polo III 5-door Hatchback 1.0 MT 21.4 sec.

Volkswagen Polo III 3 doors Hatchback 1.0 MT 21.4 sec.

Ford Country Squire I 3-door station wagon 3.9 MT 21.4 sec.

Renault 11 3 doors Hatchback 1.1 MT 21.4 sec.

Renault 11 3 doors Hatchback 1.1 MT 21.4 sec.

Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) Sedan 2.3 MT 21.4 sec.

Vauxhall Velox II (EIP) Sedan 2.3 MT 21.4 sec.

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