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main page Alpine A310 I Coupe 1.6 MT
Alpine A310

Specifications Alpine A310 I 1.6 MT (125 hp) Coupe 1971

1971 - 1985 Add to compare

Body type
car brandAlpine
country brand France
vehicle class S
Body type Coupe
Number of doors 2
Number of seats 2
Width (with mirrors) -
Width 1650 mm
Length 4250 mm
Height 1150 mm
Wheelbase 2270 mm
Front track -
Rear track -
Trunk volume minimum -
Maximum amount of trunk -
Ground clearance -
engine's type Petrol
Engine Location -
Engine capacity 1605 cm³
Power 125 hp
When rpm 6000
Power, kWt) 92 kW
Torque -
Power system carburetor
boost type no
Gas distribution mechanism -
Location of cylinders inline
Number of cylinders 4
Number of valves per cylinder -
Fuel Type -
Bore and stroke -
Compression ratio -
Engine model -
Environmental standard -
Type front suspension Independent, spring
Rear suspension Independent, spring
Gearbox type Mechanics
Number of gears 5
The gear ratio of the main pair -
Drive Rear
brake system
Front brakes disc
Rear brakes disc
Maximum speed -
Acceleration (0-100 km / h) -
Fuel consumption in the city 100 km -
Fuel consumption on the highway at 100 km -
Average fuel consumption per 100 km -
Weight 840 kg
Curb Weight -
The fuel tank 55 l.
The size of tires -
Wheels (Size) -
Power reserve -
Full charge -
Turning circle -
Type of steering -
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